RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring & Travel
Image of A Road Trip Through American History, Vol. I

A Road Trip Through American History, Vol. I


65 pages, 7 1/5" x 9 1/4"

Native Americans and Revolutionary Times

This book is the first volume of a collection of RoadRUNNER travelogues written by James T. Parks, which focuses on locations and routes steeped in American history. Jim’s original articles are scattered piecemeal throughout various RoadRUNNER bimonthly issues, spanning more than a decade of time. With that in mind, we have updated information, where feasible, that appeared in the original articles. Readers, who are interested in how America came to be what it is today, will find this integrated collection of historically themed adventures of particular interest, regardless of your mode of transportation.

Volume I focuses on Native American history and several revolutionary events that helped win our independence and build America’s industrial might. Come along with us and enjoy these journeys through American history.

*Shipped book might have different cover art*

Regular price $24.99

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